Tag Archives: setting up a trust

What Happens to My Assets After I Pass Away?

Whomever you named as successor trustee will take over the administration portion of our trust and distribute your assets in the manner you specified.

Please see the following previous posts for additional information regarding trustees:


Will I Lose Control of My Assets That Are In The Trust?

NO! You will not lose control of your assets that are in the trust.

You will be the trustee of your trust during your lifetime.  You are able to buy, sell and borrow just as you were when your assets were held in your name as an individual.  Here is more information regarding setting up a trust.

If you still have questions, please contact our Trust Attorney in Los Angeles today to schedule a consultation.


How Does Setting Up a Trust Avoid Probate?

If you do not have a trust there will undoubtedly be a probate proceeding upon your death.  Probate is a court supervised proceeding necessary to transfer your assets to your heirs.  The probate proceeding is costly in terms of both time and money.  Furthermore, all probate proceedings are public record.

Having a trust in place insures a less costly and smoother transition of assets to their designated heirs.

For more information about setting up a trust, please contact our trust attorney in Woodland Hills.
