Tag Archives: pour-over will

What Should My Estate Plan Include?

Everyone’s estate plan will vary depending on an individual’s assets and desires on how to distribute those assets.  However, at a minimum, everyone’s estate plan should include the following:

Contact Anker, Hymes & Schreiber, LLP today to speak with our experienced Estate Planning Attorney in Los Angeles regarding your estate plan.


What Does a Will Do?

Wills can be of various degrees of complexity and can be utilized to achieve a wide variety of family and tax objectives:

  • If a will provides for the outright distribution of assets, it is often characterized as a simple will.
  • If a will establishes one or more trusts, it is often characterized as a testamentary trust will.

Alternatively, the will may leave probate assets to a preexisting living trust, where it is characterized as a pour-over will. Aside from providing for the intended disposition of your property, there are a number of other important objectives that may be accomplished, such as:

  • Designating a guardian for minor children
  • Eliminating the requirement for bond
  • Designating future custodians for minors

For specific questions about drafting a will, please contact our will attorney in Los Angeles today at (818) 501-5800.
